

Dish when you want something light and fresh. For me, it’s usually a day after a massive eating fest or when outside is +30. 

Tabbouleh – Middle East dish that is usually served as part of meze. Every country from that region has its own version of it, but you can always find tomatoes, parsley, bulgur wheat, lemon juice and olive oil. It’s an easy recipe, everyone can make it and result may surprise you. This dish can be eaten as an appetizer, side dish and light main dish with pita bread aside (or however your fantasy works). 

In this recipe I used couscous instead of bulgur and to be honest I like this version even more than origin :). 

Ingredients for 4-6 portions:

  • 1 cup  extra fine bulgur wheat or couscous (I used couscous) 
  • 2 cups  boiling water
  • 2 tbsp  olive oil 
  • 5 Roma tomatoes
  • 400 g  English cucumber
  • 30 g fresh parsley 
  • 1/5 cup  fresh mint leaves 
  • 1/4 cup  green onions
  • 4 tbsp  lemon juice 
  • 4  tbsp extra virgin olive oil  
  • 1 tsp salt (or to taste) 
  • 1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1. Prepare grains according to instructions. I added couscous into boiling water, poured 2 tbsp of olive oil, mixed well and covered with a lid. Set it aside for  5min to absorb all the water.  

2. Finely chop green onions, tomatoes and cucumbers. Tomatoes should be drained to remove excess juices (~5min). 

3. Remove stems from mint and parsley, chop very finely. 

4. Drain couscous (or bulgur) and place it in a big mixing bowl. Add tomatoes, salt, pepper, cucumbers, parsley, mint, green onions, extra virgin olive oil and lemon juices. Mix everything together. 

5. Before serving I highly recommend to put it in the fridge for 20-30 min.